Tuesday, December 8, 2009

HW 28

1) Fenichel, Michael . "What is "Cool"? (What's Hot? What's Not?)." Web. 8 Dec 2009. .
The first article I read was called "What is Cool"? by Michael Fenichel. In this article Michael states that teens want to be cool and look cool to the "right" group of friends. And how the sneakers we wear and the attitude we have play an important role at school. This seems almost exactly true because people at school always try to fit in with either wearing the same exact sneakers for example "jordans" and many other sneakers in order to be seen as cool. And the attitude at school needs to be correct if its not you wont be consider cool, if your a person who reads books your a geek which people of course don't consider cool at all.

Another tip for being cool is that you must fit a certain role and some the of the things you may need to follow is: you cant be really quite or shy, or embarrassed or slow, too heavy or to thin. A lot of roles to follow just to be on top of the hierarchy. That means you need to change who you are as a person to somebody your not. Even though sometimes being cool is being yourself but most of the times its not always like that.

2) Jeff, Rice. "What is Cool? Notes on Intellectualism, Popular Culture, and Writing ." 5/10/2002. Web. 8 Dec 2009. .
Jeff states that cool can be beamed into 100 million homes, tracked and data-processed. Downloaded from across an ocean. Or bounced off a satellite on your wrist. And this is pretty much true because cool can almost be found anywhere from the music we like, down the clothes we wear on a daily basis. And cool changes everyday; new technology comes out often, and new clothes come out. And once that happens that's when the coolness starts to change all over again.

Something else that Jeff states is that "The 21st century, long a sci-fi daydream, is here. Its slogan is simple: If your neighbors are in on it, it can't be cool." That is true because people now and days want to have the newest thing first before anybody else gets it like new sneakers, or phone for example. But if somebody else has it before them its not as cool because people wont follow them. Which is what people want which is the attention. And without that attention they arent considered cool to other people.

3) "Cool (aesthetic)." Web. 9 Dec 2009. .
As the online encyclopedia states "Cool is an aesthetic of attitude, behavior, comportment, appearance and style, influenced by and a product of the Zeitgeist." This basically says that cool is shown by many things, and that cool isn't just one major thing you must do in order to meet the criteria of cool. Cool in general is a major thing through out a teenagers life, we all want to be somebody higher than what we are so we can have the most attention and be the most popular throughout school. They are a lot of people who try to fit in because of their low self esteem or because they want to follow their friends in what they're doing.

Another point that Wikipedia states is that "Because of the varied and changing connotations of cool, as well its subjective nature, the word has no single meaning." Which is totally true because coolness changes on a daily bases. If a new item comes out that person must have it. Let's take the iPhone 3GS into consideration that thing is newest iPhone that came out, and people camp outside just for that new phone because people need it that bad because they want to follow that certain trend that people follow get the new gadget and your automatically cool.

4) "How to Be Cool at School." Web. 9 Dec 2009. .
I found this website to be okay on giving tips to being cool but its totally based on how you see cool not on how other people see it. In this article it states "Have your own sense of style: Discover the clothes you prefer/like to wear and create your style. Wear those clothes to school and be unique" and basically if you have that one thing throughout school your already consider cool because people will notice you more. But if you dress like a bum like holes in your shirts and some ragged out shoes then i doubt you'll be cool, you'll be considered to be more like a bum instead of a cool person. Like come on bums aren't cool right?

Another tip that they state is, "Be fit, clean, and smell good. The first two are compulsory. Brush your teeth, exercise, etc. The third, you don't have to smell nice, just don't smell at ALL. Deodorant and a bit of perfume over that is good. Not too much. Or just deodorant. Just don't smell bad. It will make your rating go way down" this is true in a sense because a person who smells really bad wouldn't be cool they'll be considered to be a dirty person. And dirty people aren't cool... Anyways this tip could possibly help somebody who isnt cool out to make their way up to the top of the hierarchy.

5) Bayer, Jeff. "How To: Be Cool." Web. 9 Dec 2009. .
This website i found also to be good for guys who are trying to be cool or just browsing on what a guy should do to be given the title as cool. Jeff states that "Have a nice girlfriend (preferably good looking)" is one step closer to being cool. I agree with that because if a guy goes out with a girl who isn't popular or what ever then people wouldn't consider him as cool. Why you might ask? The true answer is because a pretty girl knows lots of people, and a not so looking girl would have a limited amount of friends. That's just how the world is now and days.

Another tip that i found interesting was "Arrive fashionably late" this is because we seen a lot of students in high school come into class as the center to attention. We all know that when were in class and that classroom door opens all heads turn right to the door to see who is coming in. And the arriving late tip seems more helpful because you'll be at the center of attention for the whole close with all the students looking at you while you walk in. You better be wearing some fancy clothes if your going to be arriving late. Nah just kidding. But that tip seems more likely for somebody to do who is cool.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Hw 26 Photo and Questions

(Interviewee #1 Miriam)

Me: okay so what does cool mean to you?

Miriam: nice fashion and comfortable about myself

Question 2:

Me: Do you consider yourself to be cool?

Miriam: yes i do

Me: Why?

Miriam: because the reinforcement I receive from my friends who seems to like me.

(Interviewee #2 Yosi)

Me: What does cool mean to you?

Yosi: . Cool to me is a person that stands out. That talks to everyone; not just one type of person. But to a variety.

Me: Do you consider yourself a cool person? If so why?

Yosi: I think im cool because im just me and i talk to everyone. I am not afraid to let my mind be known to people around me. And to interact with others is fun to me

Me: At a party do you get all the attention like all eyes on you?

Yosi: At a prty. I would just wear regular clothes. Im not much about standing out. My own personality stands out when i talk to others

Me: Do you think the clothes you wear consider you a cool person?

Yosi: Clothes do not matter much as long as its decent and presentable. People have a different opinion with the whole brand names and stuff. But what really matters is that beneath everything, their personality will be the true meaning of how cool you and others are.

(Interviewee #3 Darius)

Me: what do you think is cool?

Darius: i think cool is a lot of things like someone who is popular for example or something extreme or if you do something that impresses lots of people some people might consider you cool.

Me: do you consider yourself "cool"? Why or why not?

Darius: no i dont consider myself cool because for some reason i have real low self esteem and i dont really do anything to impress other people

Me: Do you try to fit in with people, like do you follow a specific trend?

Darius: no not really i have my own style i like a little bit of everything

Me: So are you like the main attraction when you go to parties or what not? Like does everybody talk about you, and have all their eyes on you?

Darius: i dont really know i get people`s attention at parties by doing crazy things or if i am the host people talk about me because i am the host so duh ~laughs~

Monday, November 30, 2009

Hw 25 Arden's Short Story

Hey Arden, i really liked your story it was good. One thing that i liked a lot is how it transition from Dakota being popular and what not to this new kid named Hawk who became cooler at the end. At first i was questioning myself thinking is Dakota a really cool name for a guy? Or does it even suit well for a guy in general? Thinking that he would of been the main protagonist throughout the whole story got me thinking on how would it end? But the ending answered all my questions.

But in terms of coolness Hawk it totally better then Dakota to be honest Dakota is to feminine but Hawk is just kick ass lol. Also some cool archetypes would be badass or class clown or somebody down to earth and mad chill which i think Hawk falls under.

Friday, November 20, 2009


This kid named Xavier who’s a 17 teen year old, is currently a junior at high school. He gets home from school and goes straight to his computer. He hears a loud scream coming from downstairs “Come down now Xavier!” He comes downstairs to see what his mother was yelling about. He said
“What do you want? Are you here to tell me that I have to watch my baby sister or something, because a couple of friends and I are going to party later on.”
His mother says “No I was just wanted to know what you were doing upstairs because it was getting a little to quiet, and by the way if your going to this party with your friends make sure you don’t come back home late.”
“Okay mom….” Xavier says with an attitude.
RING RING; Xavier picks up his cell phone “Yo what’s up what time are we leaving to that party Darius?”
Darius replied “Were outside ride now I’m waiting in the car, by the way I picked up a couple of girls from school were getting twisted tonight.”
”Alright I’m coming out now.”
Xavier steps into the car his friend Darius introduces him to the cute girls from the school; they arrive at the party an hour late, as soon as they walk in Xavier has the girls all smiling at him and looking at him like he was some prince.
Xavier turned said to Dairus “Why are all these girls looking at me? Am I that well known at school?”
Dairus states “Well apparently you are if your getting this much attention, you better take advantage of this day this might be your only really chance to get a girlfriend anyway, since half of they are going to be drunk and shit.”
”Well where is that weed that you said you had early you still have it?”
“I still have it I’m just waiting for the party to get heated first then just chill for now Xavier, get to know some of these girls their boyfriends are home so don’t worry about a thing.”
“Yo but what if you know these girls get to drunk tonight and start having sex what should I do?”
“Damn your such a virgin just take it and let it be, don’t worry by tomorrow these girls wont remember a thing mark my words.” Darius said.
Xavier walks up to one of the girls and slyly tries talking to her; she turns away and acts like he isn’t there. He then tries talking to her friend who gives him the cold shoulder. Then from a distance he sees this girl alone sitting down and he tries talking to her.
“Hey what’s up? What you think of the party so far?”
“Eh its okay I think it could be better though” states Amanda
“So since you’re here by yourself I was thinking about us possibly getting to know each other.”
“Yeah I wouldn’t mind you seem like a cool guy.” Amanda says.
“Wait right here Amanda ill be right back.”
Xavier runs to Dairus and tells him about what has happened.
“Yo son I think I may bag this girl I just started talking to named Amanda she seems interested in me I’m going to see where I can take this convo.”
“Yo bro look what I brought to the party” ~Darius shows him a gun~
“What the fuck man why would you bring that to a party?” Xavier asks perplexed.
. “Don’t worry you’ll see…” Darius says.
Xavier walks away and think to himself “I wonder if Dairus is really going to do something stupid today, I know he talks shit behind my back at school and I heard a couple of times by some of friends that he hated me for dating his ex but he said it didn’t bother him. Oh well back to the party I can probably lose my virginity tonight.”
“Amanda!” Xavier yells.
Amanda talks to in a slur speech “ whacha want from meeeee do I know you”
Xavier notices that she’s drunk and says to himself “I think this might be my chance to score, but I feel like this is a bad idea and if I don’t do it all my friends at school may not think that I’m cool anymore and I don’t want to lose my respect”
Xavier sneaks Amanda into room and they both have sex he then realizes that Amanda was Darius’s ex and that he still had feelings for her. So Xavier was thinking to himself “what the fuck did I just do fuck man I just fucked my best friend’s ex girl man I hope he doesn’t find out about this shit.”
Darius passes the room to use the bathroom and suddenly hears moaning coming from the room and he also realized that Xavier wasn’t no where to be found, so he peaked into the room and suddenly froze. It was like if time has stopped he face froze in shock.
Xavier stutters “ I’m I’m I’m sorry I was just in the moment I didn’t mean it.”
Darius hesitates and pulls out his gun.
Darius says “im sorry bro but you fucked her and you knew I had feelings for her and I never really did like you I hated you so I hope you have fun in hell asshole.”
Xavier yells “STOP!”
~Xavier drops to the floor; blood is all over the walls and sheets~
Darius realizes what he just did and stares at the gun and he knows that he will go to jail.
~Three shots to the head~ he killed his ex girlfriend
~One fatal shot to the head~
Three people died in one night!
~Sirens are wailing down the streets~
Paramedics come inside the house and notice the three dead bodies and then they realized that they came to their own son’s death.
His mother gets a call from his father who’s one of the paramedics and tells them that their son has died at a party.
“NOT OUR SON I TOLD HIM TO BE CAREFUL AT THE PARTY AND NOW HE’S DEAD” his mother shouts on the phone while crying.
To be continued…..

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

HW 23 Cool

First off I was just wondering what is cool. And basically what I was thinking while brainstorming about that question is that many people have different perspectives of “cool”. One person may think that the guy with a lot of money or with the nicest clothes is the coolest person while somebody else might think that somebody with a lot of girls and funny maybe cool or even cooler. Anyways in my perspective when I think that somebody is cool I think of that somebody being themselves not somebody they want and not somebody who just wants to be the center of attention all the time.

Secondly I was also wondering why people want to be cool. And basically what I thought was that people want to be cool so that they have all the attention diverted to themselves, and so other people will notice them more. They basically want to become the center of attention at like parties. Like as soon as he walks into a party people will be like “whoa look at that kid over there he’s on the football team, he’s like the coolest kid in my grade.” Then once that little chain starts then everybody will know him and he’ll be well known. So in all honestly I believe people just want to be cool so they have all the attention.

Thirdly is cool decided by society or the person themselves? I thought about it this way that it could be primarily chosen by the person himself by deciding to fit in with the newest fashion, and to get all the latest technology that all the “cool” people have. But it can also be chosen by society because I believe that the society around us determines who someone is or not. If your not “cool” or don’t fit into a certain good category then your just in the shit pile and just ignored by the rest of the school. But if you fit into a specific category then you’ll be respected by people at school and you’ll have a lot of popularity. In the end I believe it plays a role on both of the people; the society and the person themselves.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

HW 21 Art Project

Computer’s fan buzzing
Kid’s eyes stuck to the screen
Mom yelling off the top of her lungs
Kid’s eyes lost into the screen
Memorized by the brilliant colors
Kid typing his ass off
lost in this unknown world
A world called his own
Not realizing what’s around him
Noticing nothing but the sounds of his hands typing
But eventually he comes into his senses
When good ol’ mom slaps him up side his head
Kid stares around the room all perplexed
Noticing what’s around him
Finally he awakens from the lost trance
Suddenly he realizes how much he missed
Family, friends
And the time he wasted on that machine
Now he realizes the Distraction
His good old best friend
The Computer!

I think my poem is a mirror because it basically shows the reader how people now are lost in a trance because of a simple computer. And it makes the reader think like wow how us Americans and people around the world who own a computer that we spend countless hours on a computer and we also get distracted very easily. I speak for myself when ever im on my computer or playing ps3 i always hate when people get in my way, or when people talk to me its like so urging to tell them to shut the f**k up.

I believe my art piece makes me fink. This is because whenever im on my computer i sometimes really think to myself what the hell i can be doing with my time instead of sitting on a damn chair for countless hours just typing away on Aim, or checking my Facebook, or Myspace. And i really do listen to myself because i get outside more than i did 2 yrs ago i get more exercise involved into my life instead of sitting on a damn chair for 10 hrs on Aim or 4 hrs playing ps3. It's really sad when you come to think about it.

The most interesting part about making this art piece was thinking about me,myself,and i and how i am while on a computer. While using my own facts on what goes on through my head while sitting down using my computer it helped me realize a lot more about myself and stuff. Which really help me right my poem based on what i do on my daily basis when i have nothing else better to do.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Final Draft

Americans the Oblivious

Introduction: Us Americans of the 21st century are always getting persuaded by the news media and propaganda to buy all these new gadgets and what not. All these companies like Apple® are spending a lot of money in order to advertise their new phones, computers, or new downloadable apps. And they’re doing this in order to suck us into oblivion and brainwash us. Like in the movie Wall E the humans were oblivious to the things that was happening around them until the robot Wall E knocked them over or bumped into them by accident, and that’s when they came into their senses and realize what was really happening around them. Us Americans spend countless amounts of money on new gadgets, were addicted to this stuff, and lastly how we get brainwashed easily.

Argument I: We Americans spend countless amounts of money on these new things that come out phones, computers, ipods, you name it. And we don’t even realize how much money we spend annually on these new things until we get a big huge bill in the mail stating that they owe the credit card companies money, and that’s when we owe even more money because of interest. In the end it doesn’t matter because we always lose. New York times claims, “What’s odd about all this is that according to new data from the NPD Group, people are actually spending more on cellphones than a year ago. Americans bought 38 million phones in the third quarter up only 4 percent from the third quarter of 2006. But they spent a total of $3.2 billion on those phones, up from $2.2 billion a year earlier.” (Hansell). And if you come to think about it that’s an awful amount of money spent in just one year just for cellphones alone! Now imagine the total price of everything we buy including computers and everything else and total that up it would be even more money. But us Americans want to look cool and fit in so we do what ever is necessary in order to do just that. Think about what else we could do with that money if it wasn’t spent on cellphones. Possibly save a starving child in Africa but of course us Americans don’t think about nobody else but our damn selves.

Argument II: Video games were the main source of fun for our parents while they were growing up besides hanging out with their friends, and watching a movie. Games our now like the new drug for us teens and us Americans as a whole. Games are just something for entertainment that takes us into a new dimensional world, we control the main protagonist and basically do whatever we want, as we get lost into this new kind of trance. Us teens are now playing more games than anything our grades are dropping, and were losing a social life with our family and friends. MSNBC states that, “The telltale signs are ominous: teens holing up in their rooms, ignoring friends, family, even food and a shower, while grades plummet and belligerence soars. The culprit isn’t alcohol or drugs. It’s video games which for certain kids can be as powerfully addictive as heroin, some doctors contend.” (Tanner). This goes to show that us teens have become so addicted to games and stuff that its like an actual drug just like heroin which may be scary to some people, but its true. Teens play on average like 4 to 5 hours which is a lot of time on a game when you can be outside exercising. Another statement from MSNBC claims, “In a February posting, a 13-year-old identified only as Ian told of playing video games for nearly 12 hours straight, said he felt suicidal and wondered if he was addicted.” (Tanner). Twelve hours straight on one game I bad enough, the worse part about it is that the 13 year old kid felt suicidal, this goes to show you how bad video game addiction can be; its pretty much mind blowing to see how much impact a game can do to one person, now imagine the whole United States.

Argument III: We watch plenty of hours of TV on a daily basis it varies from person to person. But we’ve all seen those TV commercials or ads while driving down the highway saying something along the lines “ Buy this product and you wont be bald anymore. Guaranteed or your money back!” or something like “ New Iphone 3g with 480 by 320 pixels” (Apple®). Anyways we’ve all seen some sort of advertisement persuading us to buy the companies new product or what not. But do we ever come to realize “are these ads trying to brainwash me?” Of course we don’t we think about that new product we see and it stays on our mind until the day we have enough money to buy it and show it off to our friends. But get this these ads really are brainwashing us as you come to think of it. A statement from Buzzle.com states, “Commercials are meant to make you think you are in great need of the product they present and try to make successful. As a means of communication, advertising does more than just giving information. It attempts to persuade people to buy all sorts of things and services belonging to a certain brand. The idea is to convince all potential customers to choose certain products. How do companies do that? Certainly by creating the so-called "brand image" which gives way to "brand loyalty". It most probably has something to do with giving people a somewhat feeling of identity, a sense of belonging. In order to achieve their purpose, commercials use a lot of psychological elements..”(Miclaus). Now if that doesn’t show you that were being brainwashed then I don’t know what will, but watch TV and see how the person talking about the new product sounds and see how they are dressed and how they advertise the certain thing. These the key concepts in order to sell a product that got to make the product look good and say everything that’s good about it in order to make the watcher buy it, but have you ever realize them stating the bad things about the product? Or what glitches it may have? Of course not, the company will not advertise their product to make it look bad.

Connections: These video games and whatnot can connect to the students that go to school from playing these games students grades drop. ENN’s article states, “However, those who played computer games regularly scored lower in tests. The report found that boys are more likely to play computer games than girls- 61 percent of boys admitted to playing computer games every day or at least once a week compared with 44 percent of girls.”(O’Brien). This shows that people who play games do badly in school, and in this case they are showing that boys that play more games scored lower on test.

Significance: Americans playing video games is so significant because it shows how addicting these things are to people, and how these game companies make money by making sure that they include everything that will catch a player’s interest. Since these companies know what the player’s want that means they would make a big sale and in the end a major profit. Thing is that kids as they are young are grown up introduced to games and as we grow up it turns into a major pandemic the game addiction spreads like crazy.

Opposing Point of View: Some people believe that games are good for you and would disagree and name a list of reasons why being an average game player would benefit themselves. BBC News states, “US scientists have found that regular players of shoot-em-ups, such as Half-Life and Medal of Honour, have much better visual skills than most of the population. The researchers have shown that gamers were particularly good at spotting details in busy, confusing scenes and could cope with more distractions than average.” (BBC News) Even though scientist have proven games to be good they definitely don’t state that playing games to much would hurt you, they always mention the benefits of stuff but not the side effects that come along with it. Until somebody figures out themselves that what their doing is right and by that time its usually to late.

Conclusion: We Americans go through our daily lives basically brainwashed by what ever we see and we never really come into our senses until stuff hit the fan, and that’s when were like all alert. We got to realize what’s really around us and notice that everything that might seem good for us isn’t really that great at all, everything you carry on you phone, Ipod, etc. Cost you like almost 600 dollars now think about what you could be able to do with that money if you haven’t spent it on those things. Your child’s life insurance, maybe donate some to charity, or maybe even college funds? But no we think about ourselves and what we want, we don’t think about the stuff we might need! Think about it.

1) Hansell, Saul. "Cellphones Get Cheaper, So People Pay More." 20/11/07. Web. 4 Nov 2009. .

2) Tanner, Lindsey. "Is video-game addiction a mental disorder? ." 22/6/07. Web. 4 Nov 2009. .

3) "Iphone 3G." Web. 4 Nov 2009. .

4) Miclaus, Claudia. "The Brain-Washing Power of Commercials." 21/10/08. Web. 4 Nov 2009. .

5) O' Brien, Ciara. "Video games blamed for boys' poor grades." 30/8/09. Web. 6 Nov 2009. .

6) Webber, Jessica. "Can VIDEO GAMES Harm Your Eyes? Your Ears?." Web. 6 Nov 2009. .

7) "Video games 'good for you'." 28/5/2003. BBC News, Web. 9 Nov 2009. .

Friday, November 6, 2009

My own grade for my paper




Thursday, November 5, 2009

Final Draft of History Paper

Americans The Oblivious

Us Americans of the 21st century are always getting persuaded by the news media and propaganda to buy all these new gadgets and what not. All these companies like Apple® are spending a lot of money in order to advertise their new phones, computers, or new downloadable apps. And they’re doing this in order to suck us into oblivion and brainwash us. Like in the movie Wall E the humans were oblivious to the things that was happening around them until the robot Wall E knocked them over or bumped into them by accident, and that’s when they came into their senses and realize what was really happening around them. Us Americans spend countless amounts of money on new gadgets, were addicted to this stuff, and lastly how we get brainwashed easily.

We Americans spend countless amounts of money on these new things that come out phones, computers, ipods, you name it. And we don’t even realize how much money we spend annually on these new things until we get a big huge bill in the mail stating that they owe the credit card companies money, and that’s when we owe even more money because of interest. In the end it doesn’t matter because we always lose. New York times claims, “What’s odd about all this is that according to new data from the NPD Group, people are actually spending more on cellphones than a year ago. Americans bought 38 million phones in the third quarter up only 4 percent from the third quarter of 2006. But they spent a total of $3.2 billion on those phones, up from $2.2 billion a year earlier. Doing the math, that means the average phone cost $82.81 this year, up 40 percent from $58.95 a year ago...” (Hansell). And if you come to think about it that’s an awful amount of money spent in just one year just for cellphones alone! Now imagine the total price of everything we buy including computers and everything else and total that up it would be even more money. But us Americans want to look cool and fit in so we do what ever is necessary in order to do just that. Think about what else we could do with that money if it wasn’t spent on cellphones. Possibly save a starving child in Africa but of course us Americans don’t think about nobody else but our damn selves.

Video games were the main source of fun for our parents while they were growing up besides hanging out with their friends, and watching a movie. Games our now like the new drug for us teens and us Americans as a whole. Games are just something for entertainment that takes us into a new dimensional world, we control the main protagonist and basically do whatever we want, as we get lost into this new kind of trance. Us teens are now playing more games than anything our grades are dropping, and were losing a social life with our family and friends. MSNBC states that, “The telltale signs are ominous: teens holing up in their rooms, ignoring friends, family, even food and a shower, while grades plummet and belligerence soars. The culprit isn’t alcohol or drugs. It’s video games which for certain kids can be as powerfully addictive as heroin, some doctors contend.” (Tanner). This goes to show that us teens have become so addicted to games and stuff that its like an actual drug just like heroin which may be scary to some people, but its true. Teens play on average like 4 to 5 hours which is a lot of time on a game when you can be outside exercising. Another statement from MSNBC claims, “In a February posting, a 13-year-old identified only as Ian told of playing video games for nearly 12 hours straight, said he felt suicidal and wondered if he was addicted.” (Tanner). Twelve hours straight on one game I bad enough, the worse part about it is that the 13 year old kid felt suicidal, this goes to show you how bad video game addiction can be; its pretty much mind blowing to see how much impact a game can do to one person, now imagine the whole United States.

We watch plenty of hours of TV on a daily basis it varies from person to person. But we’ve all seen those TV commercials or ads while driving down the highway saying something along the lines “ Buy this product and you wont be bald anymore. Guaranteed or your money back!” or something like “ New Iphone 3g with 480 by 320 pixels” (Apple®). Anyways we’ve all seen some sort of advertisement persuading us to buy the companies new product or what not. But do we ever come to realize “are these ads trying to brainwash me?” Of course we don’t we think about that new product we see and it stays on our mind until the day we have enough money to buy it and show it off to our friends. But get this these ads really are brainwashing us as you come to think of it. A statement from Buzzle.com states, “Commercials are meant to make you think you are in great need of the product they present and try to make successful. As a means of communication, advertising does more than just giving information. It attempts to persuade people to buy all sorts of things and services belonging to a certain brand. The idea is to convince all potential customers to choose certain products. How do companies do that? Certainly by creating the so-called "brand image" which gives way to "brand loyalty". It most probably has something to do with giving people a somewhat feeling of identity, a sense of belonging. In order to achieve their purpose, commercials use a lot of psychological elements..”(Miclaus). Now if that doesn’t show you that were being brainwashed then I don’t know what will, but watch TV and see how the person talking about the new product sounds and see how they are dressed and how they advertise the certain thing. These the key concepts in order to sell a product that got to make the product look good and say everything that’s good about it in order to make the watcher buy it, but have you ever realize them stating the bad things about the product? Or what glitches it may have? Of course not, the company will not advertise their product to make it look bad.

These video games and whatnot can connect to the students that go to school from playing these games students grades drop. ENN’s article states, “However, those who played computer games regularly scored lower in tests. The report found that boys are more likely to play computer games than girls- 61 percent of boys admitted to playing computer games every day or at least once a week compared with 44 percent of girls.”(O’Brien). This shows that people who play games do badly in school, and in this case they are showing that boys that play more games scored lower on test.

Americans playing video games is so significant because it shows how addicting these things are to people, and how these game companies make money by making sure that they include everything that will catch a player’s interest. Since these companies know what the player’s want that means they would make a big sale and in the end a major profit. Thing is that kids as they are young are grown up introduced to games and as we grow up it turns into a major pandemic the game addiction spreads like crazy.

In the end video games are fun and stuff since I was grew up introduced to games since I was a little kid, but I finally realized that video games aren’t that great and that they hurt you physically and hurt you academically. Now this doesn’t mean that I’m going to stop playing games because I’m not going to lie and say I am. But my point of view of this is that people should limit their game time from like 15 hrs to like an hour or 30 minutes and they take a break and relax your eyes, because to much game play can hurt you. An article on Hubpages.com states, “For one thing, playing video games for a long, uninterrupted period of time, say, 12 hours, can make your eyes very tired. Some kids even develop tics. A tic is an uncontrollable twitching of the muscles in the face, such as those of the eyelid. The same will happen to your arms and fingers. They can also get very tired since you're doing basically doing the same movement over and over again.”(Webber) This proves that kids don’t realize basically the downfall of to much gaming they only realize they positive side of it, the excitement, the pleasure, the list goes on and on. In the end they damage themselves and their the ones to blame.
We Americans go through our daily lives basically brainwashed by what ever we see and we never really come into our senses until stuff hit the fan, and that’s when were like all alert. We got to realize what’s really around us and notice that everything that might seem good for us isn’t really that great at all, everything you carry on you phone, Ipod, etc. Cost you like almost 600 dollars now think about what you could be able to do with that money if you haven’t spent it on those things. Your child’s life insurance, maybe donate some to charity, or maybe even college funds? But no we think about ourselves and what we want, we don’t think about the stuff we might need! Think about it.


1) Hansell, Saul. "Cellphones Get Cheaper, So People Pay More." 20/11/07. Web. 4 Nov 2009. .

2) Tanner, Lindsey. "Is video-game addiction a mental disorder? ." 22/6/07. Web. 4 Nov 2009. .

3) "Iphone 3G." Web. 4 Nov 2009. .

4) Miclaus, Claudia. "The Brain-Washing Power of Commercials." 21/10/08. Web. 4 Nov 2009. .

5) O' Brien, Ciara. "Video games blamed for boys' poor grades." 30/8/09. Web. 6 Nov 2009. .

6) Webber, Jessica. "Can VIDEO GAMES Harm Your Eyes? Your Ears?." Web. 6 Nov 2009. .

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Comment on Arden's Rough Draft

Hey Arden i really like your rough draft im liking how its coming along so far. Anyways while i was reading it, it seemed a bit choppy and such yes i know its a rough draft :P. I really like the evidence that you have supporting your arguments they really go well with what your trying to say. I think that maybe you can try to probably find more evidence in some of your arguments since i know there's more statements about what your arguing floating about in cyber space. Other than that its a really good rough draft so far. Keep it up :]

Rough Draft Essay

Rough Draft Essay

Us Americans of the 21st century are always getting persuaded by the news media and propaganda to buy all these new gadgets and what not. All these companies like Apple® are spending a lot of money in order to advertise their new phones, computers, or new downloadable apps. And they’re doing this in order to suck us into oblivion and brainwash us. Like in the movie Wall E the humans were oblivious to the things that was happening around them until the robot Wall E knocked them over or bumped into them by accident, and that’s when they came into their senses and realize what was really happening around them. Us Americans spend countless amounts of money on new gadgets, were addicted to this stuff, and lastly how we get brainwashed easily.

We Americans spend countless amounts of money on these new things that come out phones, computers, ipods, you name it. And we don’t even realize how much money we spend annually on these new things until we get a big huge bill in the mail stating that they owe the credit card companies money, and that’s when we owe even more money because of interest. In the end it doesn’t matter because we always lose. New York times claims, “What’s odd about all this is that according to new data from the NPD Group, people are actually spending more on cellphones than a year ago. Americans bought 38 million phones in the third quarter up only 4 percent from the third quarter of 2006. But they spent a total of $3.2 billion on those phones, up from $2.2 billion a year earlier. Doing the math, that means the average phone cost $82.81 this year, up 40 percent from $58.95 a year ago...” (Hansell). And if you come to think about it that’s an awful amount of money spent in just one year just for cellphones alone! Now imagine the total price of everything we buy including computers and everything else and total that up it would be even more money. But us Americans want to look cool and fit in so we do what ever is necessary in order to do just that. Think about what else we could do with that money if it wasn’t spent on cellphones. Possibly save a starving child in Africa but of course us Americans don’t think about nobody else but our damn selves.

Video games were the main source of fun for our parents while they were growing up besides hanging out with their friends, and watching a movie. Games our now like the new drug for us teens and us Americans as a whole. Games are just something for entertainment that takes us into a new dimensional world, we control the main protagonist and basically do whatever we want, as we get lost into this new kind of trance. Us teens are now playing more games than anything our grades are dropping, and were losing a social life with our family and friends. MSNBC states that, “The telltale signs are ominous: teens holing up in their rooms, ignoring friends, family, even food and a shower, while grades plummet and belligerence soars. The culprit isn’t alcohol or drugs. It’s video games which for certain kids can be as powerfully addictive as heroin, some doctors contend.” (Tanner). This goes to show that us teens have become so addicted to games and stuff that its like an actual drug just like heroin which may be scary to some people, but its true. Teens play on average like 4 to 5 hours which is a lot of time on a game when you can be outside exercising. Another statement from MSNBC claims, “In a February posting, a 13-year-old identified only as Ian told of playing video games for nearly 12 hours straight, said he felt suicidal and wondered if he was addicted.” (Tanner). Twelve hours straight on one game I bad enough, the worse part about it is that the 13 year old kid felt suicidal, this goes to show you how bad video game addiction can be; its pretty much mind blowing to see how much impact a game can do to one person, now imagine the whole United States.

We watch plenty of hours of TV on a daily basis it varies from person to person. But we’ve all seen those TV commercials or ads while driving down the highway saying something along the lines “ Buy this product and you wont be bald anymore. Guaranteed or your money back!” or something like “ New Iphone 3g with 480 by 320 pixels” (Apple®). Anyways we’ve all seen some sort of advertisement persuading us to buy the companies new product or what not. But do we ever come to realize “are these ads trying to brainwash me?” Of course we don’t we think about that new product we see and it stays on our mind until the day we have enough money to buy it and show it off to our friends. But get this these ads really are brainwashing us as you come to think of it. A statement from Buzzle.com states, “Commercials are meant to make you think you are in great need of the product they present and try to make successful. As a means of communication, advertising does more than just giving information. It attempts to persuade people to buy all sorts of things and services belonging to a certain brand. The idea is to convince all potential customers to choose certain products. How do companies do that? Certainly by creating the so-called "brand image" which gives way to "brand loyalty". It most probably has something to do with giving people a somewhat feeling of identity, a sense of belonging. In order to achieve their purpose, commercials use a lot of psychological elements..”(Miclaus). Now if that doesn’t show you that were being brainwashed then I don’t know what will, but watch TV and see how the person talking about the new product sounds and see how they are dressed and how they advertise the certain thing. These the key concepts in order to sell a product that got to make the product look good and say everything that’s good about it in order to make the watcher buy it, but have you ever realize them stating the bad things about the product? Or what glitches it may have? Of course not, the company will not advertise their product to make it look bad.

We Americans go through our daily lives basically brainwashed by what ever we see and we never really come into our senses until stuff hit the fan, and that’s when were like all alert. We got to realize what’s really around us and notice that everything that might seem good for us isn’t really that great at all, everything you carry on you phone, Ipod, etc. Cost you like almost 600 dollars now think about what you could be able to do with that money if you haven’t spent it on those things. Your child’s life insurance, maybe donate some to charity, or maybe even college funds? But no we think about ourselves and what we want, we don’t think about the stuff we might need! Think about it.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Hw 16 Big paper comment on Max's outline

Hey Max I like the outline of it so far it sounds like it could be a really good paper. I really like the evidence that you have so far about the game companies making money because of us kids buying them. But I'm also hoping that you also have evidence for all the rest of your arguments, because so far im liking the whole outline and such, but if you don't have any good evidence to back up your paper it would be a pretty "okay" paper. But i have confidence in you so work your hardest and you'll have a great paper.

Good luck, Richie S.

Comment on Arden H's Blog for HW 16

RichieS. said...

Hey Arden i really like your outline it makes a lot of sense so far so good. I like how your going to tackle a lot of stuff in this one paper. The main points that you will be covering seem interesting to read. Anyways the outline of your paper gave me a few ideas of things i should possibly fix or most likely cover since were kind of talking about the same things in our paper. When you write this paper you should go deeper into like how the digital deviced possibly changed through history and how it is now, and include evidence also that backs up what your trying to argue or whatnot. And also for the health risk paragraph explain how its such a major risk and how it hurts us, and also have good evidence because some people may argue how its not bad or whatnot, and it will be an on and off arguement. Sorry for the other bad comment that i posted before i noticed how it wasnt as helpful. So here is my new comment i hope this one is better :]! Overall good outline and im willing to read it when its complete.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

HW 16 Big Paper Outline #1

Rough Draft

We Americans of the 21st century are always getting persuaded by propaganda to buy these new gadgets. All these companies are spending cash in order to make advertisements for their new products, that they want us to buy in order to get sucked into oblivion. Like in the movie Wall E the humans were oblivious to what was happening to them until the robot got them to come to their senses. We Americans spend countless amounts of money, were addicted to this stuff, and lastly we find an easy way out.

1st paragraph is going to be about us Americans spending way to much money (including one piece of evidence)
2nd paragraph is going to be about us being addicted to stuff (including one piece of evidence)
3rd paragraph is going to be about us finding an easy way out of things (including one piece of evidence)
Conclusion: Restate my thesis and my main argument and end with an ending statement.

Monday, October 19, 2009

HW 12 Feed A

Yes the book Feed even if its parable or allegory is somewhat true because us teens or adults now and days use technology like its nothing and we waste a bunch of time on technology. Like computers for example us teens use this sort of technology to check our facebook, myspace, or what ever we do on our free time. Like when I am on the computer, I am always checking out new guitars or basses other than that I hardly do anything else besides go outside and working out at the gym.

The various tragic elements that the books shows is how these people in the book let technology run over their lives instead of them thinking for themselves they let a computer take control of them. And as I said before my computer at home kind of does run my life because I am always on it like every single day. From the time I get home from school to the time I go to sleep which is like at 3am, so go figure I get out of school at 3:10 get home at 3:40 that’s basically 12 hours on the computer, half a damn day which is outrageous but whatever. And within those 12 hours, I could be sleeping or something else.

No Titus and his friends are living an oblivious world and I don’t think that the professors are scared of trying something new they are probably scared of making their lives corrupt. Because I doubt the professors or whoever wants a computer running their lives, because if something happens to that computer how are they going to think for themselves and what not. They are going to get used to computers running their lives that they are going to be stupid and more ignorant.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hw # 9

Arden H said...

i liked how u were mostly nature in your video. the idea of giving so attention to technology and moving into our own little world was interesting.

There are so many distractions. we put a lot of our attention into using technology. when we allow our mind to drift in another place it is a way to stop worrying.

sometimes when listening to someone talk like my mother, i interrupt to send a text. then i cant for the life of me process what that person just said. its not good.

after watching your video and reading your post i noticed in my video i do similar things. all my attention goes to technology i focus on that and nothing but that. slowly i a dragged in until i am completely unaware of the outside world.

NICE ideas and point of view. you probably have some more ideas. next time share them. write in a detailed way people can understand.

good work. way to get it done. (i wrote another post but it was deleted, so if this one is not as good.)


RichieS. said...

Thank you Arden for your comment about my video the info you given me if going to help my future postings.

The thing that was helpul about your comment was when you said that i should of included more ideas and write in a more detail way so people could understand where im coming from, I will be keeping that in mind when doing my next post.

When you stated that when your texting someone you ignore your mom. Well that made me realize the same thing because when im on my computer talking to somebody over AIM or doing anything on my computer and my mom comes in ignore her i feel bad sometimes but im just in my own world.

I've notice that in your comment that there are so many distractions in the world with the technology but i wondering is it the technology thats distracting us or are we letting a simple machine distract us from the real world.

You and I seem to be concerned about the following question without technology would us teens be the way we are or would be totally different?

Ignore the Msantiago466 that's me i made a mistake when i replied to arden's comment

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hw # 8

Arden's Post:

It was weird watching my own video. I never pictured myself from that point of view. With the idea of relaying on technology in my head I could still become so engaged in the computer. To the point I even forgot about the video. It seems as though I am in my own world. I was not showing a lot of emotion although I thought I was in what I was typing on the screen.

As much as I don’t want to believe I depend on technology I know I do. Myself in this video was pretty predictable. It’s sad to think about the time I could be spending enjoying the outdoors. But technology is an everyday part of my life. Without life would be a whole lot more challenging, it is scary to imagine.

Already my little sister spends more time using “this stuff” than I do. Its unfortunate, I hate to think she was influenced by me. It makes me think about the influence we are giving to other generations?

Digital devices like the Wii incorporate some physical activity. While it gets you moving, it does require some strategy and thinking. On the other hand, there is no interaction with other people. It creates a simulation of reality. Which does not involve real interaction. The contrast between the actual world and a reflection of the world in a game are two separate different things.


RichieS. said...

Hello Arden nice video.

I liked how you said that you can be doing something else more productive outdoors than using technology because this also happens to a lot of people around us, they get all mixed up into technology that they forget about whats happening around them.

What i realized while reading this post is that you stated the facts about what technology. And you didnt realize what you were doing while you were making the video, and how you thought about going outside but that technology is all around you which i can agree with because that is true.

I can connect what you said to the real world which was that "It’s sad to think about the time I could be spending enjoying the outdoors. But technology is an everyday part of my life. " And the reason why i could connect that to the real world is because people around us are to much wrapped up around technology like computers,phones, and what not and they forget about whats happening around them.

One thing you can maybe expand on is how you think your influence to your sister would probably change her life and the way she uses technology.

But your post makes me think more about my life because i feel the same as you when that i get in my own little world when im using technology. And that makes me wonder would that effect me in the long run as i grow old.

Overall i loved your most because i was able to connect to it and not only that but it was also pointing out true facts.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Interview with Mom

1) Do you think in the future the world would be a better place or would it get worse?Why?

Mom: I really can't say because it's not the future yet but what I can say is this... I think the world would be a better place because we will have more technology then we have right now, and we be more advanced in technology so it may be better for us in the long run, but I'm really not to sure. We'll see what the future has in store for us.

Now I myself believe what my mom stated was pretty standard because some people do think that the future will be better because we will have more technology then what we have now and it may help us and we may benefit from it. But some people are oblivious and don't see that sometimes new technology could hurt us in the long run and we may not be able to benefit from it at all, like we think we would.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hw #3

What is good about the electromagnetic-representational-dimension is that it keeps us occupied when he have nothing else better to do. What is bad about it is that it stops us from learning and instead of doing that we could be doing something else worthwhile that will benefit us in the future.

What's obvious but also important is that all this technology is keeping up with the new century and stuff is going through change, like when are parents were growing up they never had computers, ipods, and all this other stuff we have now; us kids have mostly everything we want and sometimes aren’t grateful for what we have.

Lastly what's weird about all of it is that it distracts us from the real world around us, the manufactures make these products and all this other nonsense to keep us from realizing from what's going around in the world around us, all this entertainment stuff is just there to make us oblivious to the world we live in. And we're falling into their trap because its actually distracting us teens and some adults from the real world.