Friday, November 20, 2009


This kid named Xavier who’s a 17 teen year old, is currently a junior at high school. He gets home from school and goes straight to his computer. He hears a loud scream coming from downstairs “Come down now Xavier!” He comes downstairs to see what his mother was yelling about. He said
“What do you want? Are you here to tell me that I have to watch my baby sister or something, because a couple of friends and I are going to party later on.”
His mother says “No I was just wanted to know what you were doing upstairs because it was getting a little to quiet, and by the way if your going to this party with your friends make sure you don’t come back home late.”
“Okay mom….” Xavier says with an attitude.
RING RING; Xavier picks up his cell phone “Yo what’s up what time are we leaving to that party Darius?”
Darius replied “Were outside ride now I’m waiting in the car, by the way I picked up a couple of girls from school were getting twisted tonight.”
”Alright I’m coming out now.”
Xavier steps into the car his friend Darius introduces him to the cute girls from the school; they arrive at the party an hour late, as soon as they walk in Xavier has the girls all smiling at him and looking at him like he was some prince.
Xavier turned said to Dairus “Why are all these girls looking at me? Am I that well known at school?”
Dairus states “Well apparently you are if your getting this much attention, you better take advantage of this day this might be your only really chance to get a girlfriend anyway, since half of they are going to be drunk and shit.”
”Well where is that weed that you said you had early you still have it?”
“I still have it I’m just waiting for the party to get heated first then just chill for now Xavier, get to know some of these girls their boyfriends are home so don’t worry about a thing.”
“Yo but what if you know these girls get to drunk tonight and start having sex what should I do?”
“Damn your such a virgin just take it and let it be, don’t worry by tomorrow these girls wont remember a thing mark my words.” Darius said.
Xavier walks up to one of the girls and slyly tries talking to her; she turns away and acts like he isn’t there. He then tries talking to her friend who gives him the cold shoulder. Then from a distance he sees this girl alone sitting down and he tries talking to her.
“Hey what’s up? What you think of the party so far?”
“Eh its okay I think it could be better though” states Amanda
“So since you’re here by yourself I was thinking about us possibly getting to know each other.”
“Yeah I wouldn’t mind you seem like a cool guy.” Amanda says.
“Wait right here Amanda ill be right back.”
Xavier runs to Dairus and tells him about what has happened.
“Yo son I think I may bag this girl I just started talking to named Amanda she seems interested in me I’m going to see where I can take this convo.”
“Yo bro look what I brought to the party” ~Darius shows him a gun~
“What the fuck man why would you bring that to a party?” Xavier asks perplexed.
. “Don’t worry you’ll see…” Darius says.
Xavier walks away and think to himself “I wonder if Dairus is really going to do something stupid today, I know he talks shit behind my back at school and I heard a couple of times by some of friends that he hated me for dating his ex but he said it didn’t bother him. Oh well back to the party I can probably lose my virginity tonight.”
“Amanda!” Xavier yells.
Amanda talks to in a slur speech “ whacha want from meeeee do I know you”
Xavier notices that she’s drunk and says to himself “I think this might be my chance to score, but I feel like this is a bad idea and if I don’t do it all my friends at school may not think that I’m cool anymore and I don’t want to lose my respect”
Xavier sneaks Amanda into room and they both have sex he then realizes that Amanda was Darius’s ex and that he still had feelings for her. So Xavier was thinking to himself “what the fuck did I just do fuck man I just fucked my best friend’s ex girl man I hope he doesn’t find out about this shit.”
Darius passes the room to use the bathroom and suddenly hears moaning coming from the room and he also realized that Xavier wasn’t no where to be found, so he peaked into the room and suddenly froze. It was like if time has stopped he face froze in shock.
Xavier stutters “ I’m I’m I’m sorry I was just in the moment I didn’t mean it.”
Darius hesitates and pulls out his gun.
Darius says “im sorry bro but you fucked her and you knew I had feelings for her and I never really did like you I hated you so I hope you have fun in hell asshole.”
Xavier yells “STOP!”
~Xavier drops to the floor; blood is all over the walls and sheets~
Darius realizes what he just did and stares at the gun and he knows that he will go to jail.
~Three shots to the head~ he killed his ex girlfriend
~One fatal shot to the head~
Three people died in one night!
~Sirens are wailing down the streets~
Paramedics come inside the house and notice the three dead bodies and then they realized that they came to their own son’s death.
His mother gets a call from his father who’s one of the paramedics and tells them that their son has died at a party.
“NOT OUR SON I TOLD HIM TO BE CAREFUL AT THE PARTY AND NOW HE’S DEAD” his mother shouts on the phone while crying.
To be continued…..


  1. I lol'd

    At first I thought the story was going to be some weird parable about me, but it definitely wasn't half way into the first paragraph.

    In all seriousness, it sounds like a typical "bad ass" in some other state sort of, and in my opinion you get the idea out, so good job on your story

  2. overall it does sound like the typical rebellious teen. To me this was written with exaggeration. which makes the message of your story more clear. good thinking

  3. To Richie S

    That was interesting. Your story is off the hook. SOme funny ass story you came up. I like how your story is based on friends betraying one another. But one thing you should had work on was to make the sex scence much better. I like how you close your story. Very thoughtful. Keep it up.
