Tuesday, November 17, 2009

HW 23 Cool

First off I was just wondering what is cool. And basically what I was thinking while brainstorming about that question is that many people have different perspectives of “cool”. One person may think that the guy with a lot of money or with the nicest clothes is the coolest person while somebody else might think that somebody with a lot of girls and funny maybe cool or even cooler. Anyways in my perspective when I think that somebody is cool I think of that somebody being themselves not somebody they want and not somebody who just wants to be the center of attention all the time.

Secondly I was also wondering why people want to be cool. And basically what I thought was that people want to be cool so that they have all the attention diverted to themselves, and so other people will notice them more. They basically want to become the center of attention at like parties. Like as soon as he walks into a party people will be like “whoa look at that kid over there he’s on the football team, he’s like the coolest kid in my grade.” Then once that little chain starts then everybody will know him and he’ll be well known. So in all honestly I believe people just want to be cool so they have all the attention.

Thirdly is cool decided by society or the person themselves? I thought about it this way that it could be primarily chosen by the person himself by deciding to fit in with the newest fashion, and to get all the latest technology that all the “cool” people have. But it can also be chosen by society because I believe that the society around us determines who someone is or not. If your not “cool” or don’t fit into a certain good category then your just in the shit pile and just ignored by the rest of the school. But if you fit into a specific category then you’ll be respected by people at school and you’ll have a lot of popularity. In the end I believe it plays a role on both of the people; the society and the person themselves.

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