Monday, November 2, 2009

Comment on Arden H's Blog for HW 16

RichieS. said...

Hey Arden i really like your outline it makes a lot of sense so far so good. I like how your going to tackle a lot of stuff in this one paper. The main points that you will be covering seem interesting to read. Anyways the outline of your paper gave me a few ideas of things i should possibly fix or most likely cover since were kind of talking about the same things in our paper. When you write this paper you should go deeper into like how the digital deviced possibly changed through history and how it is now, and include evidence also that backs up what your trying to argue or whatnot. And also for the health risk paragraph explain how its such a major risk and how it hurts us, and also have good evidence because some people may argue how its not bad or whatnot, and it will be an on and off arguement. Sorry for the other bad comment that i posted before i noticed how it wasnt as helpful. So here is my new comment i hope this one is better :]! Overall good outline and im willing to read it when its complete.

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