Monday, October 19, 2009

HW 12 Feed A

Yes the book Feed even if its parable or allegory is somewhat true because us teens or adults now and days use technology like its nothing and we waste a bunch of time on technology. Like computers for example us teens use this sort of technology to check our facebook, myspace, or what ever we do on our free time. Like when I am on the computer, I am always checking out new guitars or basses other than that I hardly do anything else besides go outside and working out at the gym.

The various tragic elements that the books shows is how these people in the book let technology run over their lives instead of them thinking for themselves they let a computer take control of them. And as I said before my computer at home kind of does run my life because I am always on it like every single day. From the time I get home from school to the time I go to sleep which is like at 3am, so go figure I get out of school at 3:10 get home at 3:40 that’s basically 12 hours on the computer, half a damn day which is outrageous but whatever. And within those 12 hours, I could be sleeping or something else.

No Titus and his friends are living an oblivious world and I don’t think that the professors are scared of trying something new they are probably scared of making their lives corrupt. Because I doubt the professors or whoever wants a computer running their lives, because if something happens to that computer how are they going to think for themselves and what not. They are going to get used to computers running their lives that they are going to be stupid and more ignorant.

1 comment:

  1. im a little confused with how this is all set up. i read through it and it seems like most of it is comments and such. but you have some good stuff you will want to include in your final piece.

    you used good points that were brought up in class, along with your own ideas. i think that is a good thing to do, it is useful. you also used personal examples and connections, i liked that. it helped me get a better understand of what you were saying in addiction to supporting your argument.

    the standard thought of people is that we are using way to much technology and it is wasting our times. when there are other things we could be doing that would be more beneficial to ourselves.

    i do not want to be controlled by a computer in my brain. i want to be able to make the decision when i use the computer and when i dont. but still it seems we all are a little incapable of making those decisions. we mostly always choice digitization, we are dependent.

    i think to make your work even stronger you shown work on making a clear argument. you have the right things to back it up. but it is still a little bit hard to notice the point that the book is making and the point you are trying to make.

    this post makes me think about the same thing i do on the computer. which just happen to be the same damn stuff everyday. and guess what each day hardly anything ever changes. it sucks.

    this was good richie. work on getting the rest of the work done because i believe the articles andys posted might come to good use in your final piece. good job.
