Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hw #3

What is good about the electromagnetic-representational-dimension is that it keeps us occupied when he have nothing else better to do. What is bad about it is that it stops us from learning and instead of doing that we could be doing something else worthwhile that will benefit us in the future.

What's obvious but also important is that all this technology is keeping up with the new century and stuff is going through change, like when are parents were growing up they never had computers, ipods, and all this other stuff we have now; us kids have mostly everything we want and sometimes aren’t grateful for what we have.

Lastly what's weird about all of it is that it distracts us from the real world around us, the manufactures make these products and all this other nonsense to keep us from realizing from what's going around in the world around us, all this entertainment stuff is just there to make us oblivious to the world we live in. And we're falling into their trap because its actually distracting us teens and some adults from the real world.


  1. RICHIE!

    nice! you have some really great ideas. it is interesting the way you started you first post off. i liked how you wrote it as if you were just saying it "what is good" you way of writing allows me to make more of a connection.

    you begin saying you do not support digitalization. today we have electronics that they did not have in the past. instead of being involved in the world around us we take advantage of what we have. in the last paragraph, "Distracts us from the real world around us" these products are something that we are relying on in our everyday life.

    most people in our class would agree with your ideas. i dont think we are not the only ones relying on technology. businesses also use a lot of todays technology. electronics are used everyday to make it jobs. which causes the number of jobs worked by people to decrease. so less people are getting the physical activity they need.

    your overall ideas are good. for your next blog i would recommend going into more detail. adding on more thoughts about the effects of technology. you talk a little about how our parents did not have the kind of technology we have today, does that mean the way they grew up was better? including some examples from how technology is distracting us from the real world will make your argument stronger.

    your post made me think about how far we have come. From having radios to flatscreen televisions. it makes me wonder what type of technology we will have in the future. maybe something like irobot?

    add on more i really liked what you had to say. keep it up!

  2. Hello Arden i really enjoyed your comment about my post, i appreciated that you wanted me to write more on my blog and i'll be more and glad to add more about technology.

    One thing that i did find helpful in your comment is that i didn't realize we used electronics for jobs, i was kinda dumbfounded when i was writing this blog thing but not i think and realize outside the box.

    I just really thought that electronics like the ones we use for example ipods,games,computers and other privileged stuff us kids use now and days. And since a lot of kids use these new electronics they get lost in their own little world and do not notice what is happening around them.

    I noticed that you stated that a lot of people use electronics to help them we everyday tasks and what not, but i was stating that how mainly us kids us electronics to make us oblivious to the real world. So your basically looking at how it can help people but I'm noticing how it affects peoples lives a lot.

    I noticed that me and you both realized that some how technology will change the future and the world around us, but my question is how do you think these electronics will effect us? Do you think it will effect us in a positive way or in a negative way?

  3. Richard!

    I must see your blog post is very to the point and straight forward which makes it more enjoyable to read. I really like your style of writing because you have a lot of flow in it making it more appealing as a reader.
    I think by far the most original and important point is the fact that all this media and technology is distracting us from the real world. I never thought of looking at it like that but in fact it is true to an extent. Since I have gotten on facebook and twitter, I rarely will find myself reading the times or watching the news on tv. My knowledge of politics and the current economy is very basic and although i cannot fully blame that on facebook, i certainly think that it occupies a large portion of my time that i have which could be used on more productive things.
    The second paragraph you wrote relates directly to when i bring up technology with my grandparents. All they ever tell me is how lucky i am and how they used to play with sticks and stones growing up. I get it, I do have a lot of digital devices but at the same time we all do, its just how the youth is today.
    I think you have very strong arguments but you become vague in many of them. I think you have enough arguments but if you expand on each of then it would make you blog post a lot stronger than what it already is.
    This post sort of wakes you up and makes you think about what is really happening with the media.

    looking forward to hearing more from you Richie.

    Keep it up!
