Monday, April 26, 2010

HW 49

My personal contribution to the teacher film was to be like one of those people who are just sitting there and talking and just making stupid noises basically. The message and tone of my section's film was pretty much a strong tone since the teacher(Will) was basically cursing, and making fun of most of the students in the class.

I can most likely say that the message was basically that the students were trying to be cool of course and also trying to help the teacher out but the teacher didn't accept there help at all. Reason being was because he was drunk mostly of the time so he could of cared less about the students.

Well with all the student/teacher films that we've watched in class it was pretty much different in a sense because in our student/teacher film the teacher was drunk and started putting the students down. But in most of the films that we watched the teachers almost always try to help the students and change them into different people. In the films the students were "ghetto" in a sense and tried to over rule the teachers but most of the time in the end the students change into different people. Like in Freedom Writers the students were low lives and then they started to open up more and change.

The connection between salvation and schooling in our culture is big because in our school there is a lot of higher power and even outside our school like the board of education of course. And in schools of course the principals would of course be considered the highest power because he has control of the students and of course of the teachers. What ever he says goes. But the board of education of course is much more higher than him, then comes the chancellor Joel Klein. Which all control the schools.

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