Thursday, February 25, 2010

HW 41

W., Eric. "How to Get Through a Boring Day in School." 23/2/2010. Web. 25 Feb 2010. .
This article is to help students in school try to get through those boring hours of lecturing. It contains helpful hints,tips to help you get through a day of school without falling asleep or anything. These are to help students get through a day of school easier.

This guide i believe should be read by students who seem to have a hard time concentrating and school and who seem to get bored easily in school. These hints are semi-helpful in a way depending on the student and what he likes to do best in his days at school.

Daily Life. Web. 25 Feb 2010. .
This article talks about how school is in Japan and the rules they must follow in their school. Japan's rules are much stricter than the schools in the United States. This website is good for students who should know they have it easier than the kids in Japan.

This website also informs how they must dress, and how they must clean the school everyday after school for at least 15 minutes. Also they have what they call a "big clean up at least twice every term." They treat their school just how they treat their home. Clean and respectful. Kids in the united states don't have to clean their schools and make them spic and span they just throw shit on the floor and spit and piss outside the urinal. Make it a dirty environment everyday.

Madison , Alexandra . Depression in School: A Student's Trial . Web. 25 Feb 2010. .
This article talks about depression in school and how teachers learn to handle with kids dilemma and other problems. And this one kid had depression and he said how he tried not to disrespect his teachers but they just ignored him because they probably knew of his problem.

I think kids should read this article because he talks about how students are and how teachers deal with students problems. And its kind of sad that teachers ignore that problems of student depression because it could possibly turn into something worse. Oh well probably teachers don't care

Sunday, February 21, 2010

HW 40

Part A - Interviewing

1Q) Do you think school is based on hierarchy?
1A)Me: Yes i believe so because of course teachers have higher priority over students and then principals have more power than students and teachers. Like always when ever you make a complaint to the principal about a teacher the principal never believes you and takes the damn teachers side...

2Q)Is school mandatory?
2A)Mom: Yes school is mandatory because without an education your not going to become anybody in life, your going to be like these hoodlums who hangout in the middle of our block selling drugs and end up in jail or dead.

3Q)Are we our teacher's puppets?
3A)Uncle: Well from what you explained to me i can somewhat kind of see that you kids are controlled by your teachers just like how puppets are controlled by their ventriloquist or by their puppeteer. But in all teachers do control their students by making them do their homework or they'll fail.

4Q)Why is school so boring?
4A)Cousin(High school grad.): School is mostly boring because all you basically do is sit on a chair in a class for 50 or so minutes long and do nothing but hear the teachers talk about boring stuff that nobody ever cares about. And your there just listening in school for 8 hrs straight. It gets boring after a while and they wonder why students never do their homework because classes are damn boring.

5Q)Why are you graded by how good you do on test and homework instead of being graded on your willingest on trying?
5A)Friend: Because teachers are there to try to make you fail and to make your life a living hell. They don't care if you pass or not they care on their pay check in the end. If you fail you fail if you pass you pass. If you get held back they don't care their still getting paid. (Person had a rough week i asked for a sincere answer.. guess not)

Part B:

I really think that students shouldn't be graded on how good they do on test or on homework that they do but on their willingest to try. For the simple fact because if we fail test and score low on homework that means that we will fail that class which sucks for us students who don't understand anything that's going on or who try to understand but the teacher doesn't explain the work well enough. It happens to a lot of students which is why a lot of students have summer school,missing credits, or sadly get left back which sucks for a lot of them.

Monday, February 8, 2010

HW 39 - First School Assignment

Part A:

1)Why do teachers teach us stuff that we may not need in our future lives? Why not teach us something we will use in our lives?
2)Is school a way for our parents to relax without us? Teachers being our babysitters?
3)Why our we as people graded by our grades and not by our potential to do things?

1)Seeing couples eating each others face in the halls
2)Seeing people listening to their ipod in class while the teacher is teaching
3)People changing their attitude from when the teacher is there until the principal walks in (higher power, hierarchy??)

1)People being the most absurd in the hallways while classes are in session
2)People cursing teachers out and the teachers just letting it happen
3)People smoking inside of school bathrooms and getting caught

Part B:
What's the most awful thing about school is that your sitting in class starring off into space listening to the teacher babble for about close to an hour. It's the most boring part of class. The classes are so long and your sitting in the most uncomfortable seats ever, for example like in chemistry class your sitting on those stools that hurt our ass and back for about an hour; slouching over to write on the lab benches while the teachers have a comfortable seat in class. Also the disciplines in school is crazy your basically have no freedom what so ever to do mostly anything, you only have like 50 minutes of free time to yourself which is only during lunch and after that its back to this crazy jail, locked up for another 110 minutes(1 hour and 50 minutes).
The consequences in school are sometimes outrageous for the simple fact because if you get in trouble by a teacher and you want to explain to the principal that the teacher didn't see the other student or whatever the case maybe, the principal will never believe you and go only by what the teachers say. It somewhat like a court house but an unlawful one of course. Or if you get into a fight at school with a girl lets say in an argument or whatnot the principal will always go for the girls side just like the police would in a situation like that. In closing school's consequences are the most unfair shit ever and somewhat worse than the police law but not that extreme. Lets hope that it never gets that extreme...

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Hw 38

What makes this picture cool is that when people see the car going down the street people's heads always turn. And seeing a lamborghini in the city is a real shocker because you rarely see lamborghini's driving down the streets or on a highway in new york. I want people to realize while they see my art is basically that a lamborghini in the city is really cool because we all know that a lamborghini is really expensive and a fast car also, so the person driving the car will get a lot of credit and also attract a lot of attention from girls.

What made me pick this image for my art project is that i know that when people see a lamborghini their heads will turn. The reason why this car is cool is because of the speed and the way that the doors open and lastly because of the price value of the car; which runs for about $130,000-180,000 or more.

It depends sometimes art will seem cool to me and sometimes it wouldn't. For me though it depends on what the piece of art is showing if its something that interests me then i would think its cool. Like for example a picture of a guitar would seem cool to me depending on the qualities the guitar has and on the looks and the price range of it.