Thursday, January 7, 2010

HW 32

Tattooing alone means sometimes a lot depending on the person who got the tattoo in first place. Like for instance people who get like they’re whole body tattoo like the Lizard Man for example got his whole body tattooed of course for attention and maybe also for attraction. Most importantly though some people get tattoos for meanings like a person could get a tattoo of their mothers name which would probably signify that the person loves their mother, or somebody may get their child’s name and date of birth on their body signifying that they care/love their child a lot. Like Mr. Fanning for example stated that some of the tattoos he got had certain meanings throughout his life and some of them were there for attention. Overall though it depends on the person to depict on what a certain tattoo signifies.

The gendering of tattooing is weird in a sense like getting a tattoo on your arm if you’re a man proves you’re macho; while a girl can get a tattoo near hear bikini line, on her ankle and on her lower back. Now if a guy got any of those tattoos where the girl got her tattoos people who see the guy as less of a man or think he’s gay. And the same goes for a girl in a sense if a girl gets a tattoo where I guy would normally get one it would look manly on a girl and way less attractive, but it also depends on what the certain tattoo is that either person gets. Depending on the tattoo you get shows who you are as a person sometimes.

The reasons why people make up so many stories about why they got their tattoo is because most likely they really don’t have one main reason for getting it or to cover up their face, so they wont look like an fool about stating the real reason of getting it in the first place. Like if you ask many people now and days why they got their tattoo some people may say I don’t know it just looks cool, or they may rarely say I’m trying to conform to my friends I don’t want to be an outcast. But if you really think about it 10 to 1 you would never hear somebody say I got this tattoo to fit in they will always be incognito about it and come up with a billion other reasons why they got the tattoo, in order to cover up their face.

Monday, January 4, 2010

HW 30

What are the sources of this sense of meaninglessness but also of the need for a sense of meaning?

I agree that all humans seem to have an overwhelmingly share a sense of emptiness, because all humans try to find something in our lives in order to make ourselves happy or what ever the case might be. Most people now and days try to find to find a way to play the heroic role in our lives in order to make us feel better about ourselves or in order to become “famous” and feel superior. Other people try to find love in their lives also because the feeling of being alone to them is most likely boring so they must find a partner in their lives in order to feel good, and also happy. On the other hand people try to live in honor so most likely people would be patriotic in order to be honored by people around them, since people in the military get a lot of respect and honor for their duties of helping their country. Then the rest of us try to live a story and make sure their life is perfect and that their happy as can be without no problems at all in their life, basically the rest of the people out their want to live a happy ever after story, which is pretty much impossible not to go through challenges in our lives because then we will never learn or become wiser without certain experiences in life. In order to reach this so called goals we try our hardest to please others around us instead of thinking about ourselves first. We work way to hard to meet this requirements that some of us do something extreme in order to get on the news to feel popular and more out there, like when people see a news broadcaster in the street you realize that some people act like their not even there while some people make faces or wave in order to get attention and feel more full and get more “out” there. For instance psychologist Clive Hazell states that “attributes feelings of emptiness to problematic family backgrounds with abusive relationships and mistreatment. He claims that some people who are facing a sense of emptiness try to resolve their painful feelings by becoming addicted to a drug or obsessive activity (be it compulsive sex, gambling or work) or engaging in "frenzied action" or violence. In sociology, a sense of emptiness is associated with social alienation of the individual. This sense of alienation may be suppressed while working, due to the routine of work tasks, but during leisure hours or during the weekend, people may feels a sense of "existential vacuum" and emptiness.” This shows that people try many ways in order to feel more full in their life more out there they try to cope with the emptiness feelings in our lives that we try anything or go that extra mile.